Available Leagues
2024 Leagues

Match Play
20 Weeks (No League On Labor Day Or Memorial Day)
Starts: April 22nd
Ends: September 16th
Every Monday, you will play a nine-hole match, using match play scoring (with handicaps)
against one person from another team in the league. The rest of your team
will play against the rest of the opponents from that team as well. The league will also
rotate back-and-forth between both nines of Mill Run and Wild Ridge each week.
Teams are paid out in golf shop credit once at the end of the league and once
halfway through the league.
20 Weeks (No League On Labor Day Or Memorial Day)
Starts: April 22nd
Ends: September 16th
Every Monday, you and your partner will play a nine-hole, two-person scramble
and try to go as low as you can! This league alternates between Mill Run and Wild Ridge
each week. Teams are handicapped, and this league has weekly winners as well as
payouts in golf shop credit for both a gross and net flight.
20 Weeks
Starts: May 7th
Ends: September 17th
Tuesday nights, you and your team will play in a variety of different games! This league
incorporates fun team-based games, hole prizes, and scrambles into your nine-hole
round of golf every week at Mill Run. Team winners are paid out in golf shop credit
each week.
At Mill Run
22 Weeks
Starts: April 24th
Ends: September 18th
Wednesday nights, you and your four-person team will play a handicapped nine holes
in stroke play against the rest of the field. This league alternates between the back nine
and front nine each week and takes place at Mill Run. Teams that win, as well as
hole event winners, are paid out in golf shop credit every week. You also have the option
to play in a $5.00 skins game.
At Wild Ridge
22 Weeks
Starts: April 24th
Ends: September 18th
Wednesday nights, you and your four-person team will play a handicapped nine holes
in stroke play against the rest of the field. This league alternates between the back nine
and front nine each week and takes place at Wild Ridge. Teams that win, as well as
hole event winners, are paid out in golf shop credit every week. You also have the option
to play in a $5.00 skins game.
At Wild Ridge
22 Weeks (No League On The Fourth Of July)
Starts: April 25th
Ends: September 19th
Every Thursday, you and your four-person team will play nine holes, alternating between
the back and front nine at Wild Ridge. This league is stroke play, and your team will be
competing against the rest of the field. Teams that win, as well as hole event winners,
are paid out in golf shop credit every week. You also have the option to play in a
$5.00 skins game.
Wild RIdge Location
3647 Kane Road
Eau Claire, WI